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12. Conclusion

  ---CONCLUSION--- There are many things a company can do from an HR perspective to increase employee job satisfaction such as providing fair pay and benefits, offering opportunities for promotion, training and developing workers, and communicating work expectations with regular performance appraisals. In its most basic sense, job satisfaction involves the positive feelings and evaluations derived from an individual’s employment in a job.   Alternatively, job dissatisfaction occurs when work experiences are negative and expectations are not met. An employee who expects clean and safe working conditions will likely be dissatisfied if the workplace is dirty and dangerous.   Many organizations and researchers study job dissatisfaction. At any one time, from 15% to 40% of working people across the nation are dissatisfied with their jobs. Higher unemployment rates usually mean more dissatisfied workers in the workforce because it is more difficult to change jobs, and peopl...

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11. Management of Change

10. The Ethical Context of Human Resource Management

9. Organizational Culture

8. The Global Context for Human Resource Management

7. Employee Engagement

6. Performance Management and Personal Development Plan